Living in a city is more than just being in a place; it's a feeling that's shaped by our emotions and memories. These memories make us feel like we belong somewhere, which is why it's so difficult to represent a place we call home.
"Cheira bem, cheira a Lisboa" is a project that captures the feelings and sensations associated with Lisbon. It features the sound of seagulls by the Tejo river, the infinite hills that we climb to get around, the tiles that cover the walls, and the smell of the city: cheira bem, cheira a Lisboa (It smells good, it smells like Lisbon).
"From 8 to 80" is a commemorative mural celebrating traditional Portuguese toys, which hold a special place in our childhood memories.
Our main inspiration and references come from toys produced in Valongo since 1938, with wood being their primary material. We have incorporated their original colors - yellow, pink, and blue - as well as their patterns to create an imaginary world around the Electric Transformation Station.
Our aim is to transport viewers to a new realm of fantasy, a magical place associated with the idea of toys. The message behind the mural is that there is no age limit when it comes to playing and enjoying toys. It's a joyful experience that can be cherished from 8 to 80.
"A Chanfana" is a mural inspired by the beautiful village of Miranda do Corvo and its cuisine. According to popular history, chanfana (a traditional Portuguese dish) was created by the nuns from the convent of Semide, who are represented in the center of the mural alongside the traditional clay caçoila (bowl) that surrounds the typical Chanfana. Around the composition, which tells the origin of Chanfana, various symbols are represented alluding to legends, the village, and the recipe for this traditional and famous dish.
O tempo perguntou ao tempo quanto tempo o tempo tem, o tempo respondeu ao tempo que tem tanto tempo quanto tempo o tempo tem.
The time asked the time how much time it has. The time replied that time has as much time as time holds.
Time is the duration of our lives, but tomorrow does not exist without today. To have flowers tomorrow, one must plant them today. To be happy and fulfilled tomorrow, you must be the best person you can be now. Our painting tells a visual story about creating a better tomorrow that begins in the present. Because the better today is, the farther tomorrow will be.
The acts that we narrate, are those of bravery and courage, as the story that follows, although longing for the past, is thirsty for the future.
We are the characters of this History; those who never gave up, the dreamers, the insistent and persistent, those who "see the glass half full", "roll up their sleeves" and the ones who "lend a helping hand".
This mural is about a pandemic that contaminated the air we breathe, challenged our freedom, separated us from our loved ones and closed thousands of doors around the world. It's a tribute to everyone, the ones who fought, reacted, reinvented, innovated, supported, collaborated, believed and resisted together; finally, managing to tell the - so desired - History of Resilience.
Thanks to all, from Resilience we made History, these are the words you can read at the bottom of our mural: "E da Resistência se fez História"
At the peak of Lisbon, on the highest balcony in the entire metropolis, one can appreciate the urban landscape that stretches from the hills to the river. The blue of the water reflects the city's coastline, dotted with monuments that tell the story of Portugal, and small buildings in sandy tones. The day unfolds, and the colors of Lisbon vary. If the city wakes up pink, it lays down blue. The morning reveals the splendor of Lisbon, and the blue gives way to the mystery of poets and fado singers.
Each gaze tells its own story of the city; it is best for each person to see with their own eyes
"4Every1" is an artwork that represents a multicultural vision where everyone is welcome, regardless of their color, religion, or political interest. The artwork is a reminder that diversity is what makes life interesting and beautiful. It emphasizes the importance of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, creating a space for people from different backgrounds to come together and appreciate each other's cultures.